Wednesday 1 January 2014

Desolation of the Hobbit

I wrote something similar to this about a year ago.  Like that case, there are likely to be spoilers here.  But as Martin Freeman put it when he got accused of that, the book is 75 years old.  So if I spoil anything, then you should have gone and read the book.  Trust me it is worth it.

The book of the hobbit is fantastic.  It would make a great film if done properly.  Note the use of the singular there, not the plural.  It would start off slowly, have excitement half way through for the trip though the mountains, a tense situation going through forest, then a grandstand finish with teh battle of the 5 armies.  More action comes throughout, with the wargs the spiders, and of course, smaug attacking esgaroth.  Yeah that would be pretty long, but as it stands there are three 3 hour long films.  And they've changed the plot, added extra action.  And that makes for eexciting films.

Only it isn't necessary.  And it has changed the focus of the story.  And that is why I am so angered by the changes I think.   The book was always about Bilbo growing into something of a leader.  And it celebrated something wonderful.  It celebrated him being clever and thinking his way out. And that has been lost in the movies, in favour of extra action, telling everyone that it is through the heroism of Thorin Fli and Kili that everything was won.  They do this for the good of films, not for the good of the story.

Intelligence isn't something that should be taken so lightly in this day and age.  Look at a previous entry in thi blog to find out what I think about intelligence in general, it is fantastic and underrated.  If we now go and glorify action in its place to the neext generation, we are letting them down, and it won't help us in the long run.  That is a massive shame, and we should be looking at ourselves for letting it happen, and how we can readdress the balance of this.   In short, long live JRR's original message. Long live Intelligence.