Sunday 3 November 2013

the wrong side of the law

So I started watching the wire today. Firstly, three episodes in it is fantastic. It looks like it is going to be an amazing series and all the good things I've heard about it are well deserved. but the concept of it got me thinking.

I don't think this classes as a spoiler but the wire is about the drugs scene in Baltimore as seen from both sides of the law. I've just finished sopranos (also a very, very good show) which is about the Mafia in new H Jersey. Similarly, breaking bad has just finished to huge acclaim and that was, to the best of my understanding, about crystal meth. I've not seen it yet, but it is very high on my list of things to watch.

Like i said the combination of these three for me thinking. What is it about illegal activities that we find so intriguing as a viewing public. Whyare we so fascinated with the law and breaking it?

Honestly, I'm not sure what the answer to this is. I guess it's because it'sthe unknown and the forbidden.  People like things that are bad for Erm. We see it in what we do what we eat and many aspects of our lives. It's why there are things that are universally accepted as guilty pleasures. And why we don't care about them.

It's not just in TV. Look at the top films and you will always find things that are outside the law. Mafia. Drugs. Murder. The godfather. Trainspotting, pulp fiction. Great films about things that most people are completely distant for. I'm guessing it's escapism of some form, but people are always after some way to look at a different life from their own.

This happens to me as much as anyone i'm sure. I find them really absorbing and always want to watch more. But does it bother me?  Hell no!

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