Tuesday 10 December 2013

Bad Wolf will #savetheday

To begin this, a confession.  I am a whovian.  Since the restart of Doctor Who, I have seen all the episodes, all the specials.  I quote it in normal conversation whenever I get the chance.  I search for it on pinterest and tumblr.  I even went to see the 50th anniversary prom in the royal albert hall.

So surprisingly enough, I was excited for the 50th anniversary special.  Who saw that coming?  I didn't go to see it in the cinema due to other plans, but I was excited.  The return of David Tennant and Billie Piper sent the fan boy in me racing.  The concept of the war doctor appearing and the story of the time war was great.  Paul McGann reprising his role for the short of teh nigiht of the doctor got me even more pumped.  4 Doctors already?

But how were they going to use 10 and Billie?  Their storyline was complete, with the human doctor trapped in the parallel world with her.  How could they add to that?

In the end they didn't and I was very glad they didn't. They came up with a new fun way to include Billie. The concept of the "moment" having its own intelligence was brilliant, and that being in the form of what would matter most to the user was great.  But what was really interesting was that the most important person in all of the doctor's life was the Bad Wolf.

The most important person in all of his lives?  We know that the doctor has been married and had children.  We know that he marries River at some point in his future (different to the mother of his child).  We know he loved Rose, Clara is the impossiblel girl who saves him throughout his life, and has seen his grave, Donna was his best friend when he needed one, Sarah Jane he sees in multiple regenerations and all the other companions have touched him in more ways than we ever saw.  And this isn't even begining to think about the TARDIS when she took human (?) form.

But the Bad Wolf was the most important person throughout his history.  She who only existed for that brief time just as he regenerated from 9 to 10.  Who made it that Jack couldn't die, turning him into an impossible thing.  Who defeated all the Daleks, the first he had seen since the time war.  Since he thought he had ended it, killing his own race as well as all of his enemies. And I think this is why Bad Wolf, not Rose or anyone else was the most important person in all his lives.  She was there, at the time he saw the return of the aleks and saved him.  She gave him hope that there are better things out there, and that if theh Dalkes didn't all die during the time war, maybe not all the time lords did too.  Maybe, just maybe, he could once again set foot on Gallifrey.  Hope came to him that he may be able to go home.

That this is how the episode ended too makes me think this may be the case.  He's going where he has always been going, where everyone always goes.  He's just taking a longner route than them.  But he still is ging home.  Because of the Bad Wolf.

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